Individual diary of a student on industrial practice «Clinical practice (assistant to the doctor of an outpatient clinic)», «research work»

The educational and visual aid for independent work is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty 31.05.01 - medical business.
It contains instructions on the organization and peculiarities of the summer internship by students of the medical faculty. The manual deals with the issues of practical mastery of skills for the development of independent work and clinical thinking among students, consolidation of theoretical knowledge, improvement of practical skills and abilities in diagnostics and medical care, development of organizational and research skills, mastering the principles of medical ethics and deontology, professional responsibility, on the organization of health care in the provision of primary health care to citizens of the Russian Federation in the structure of outpatient polyclinic institutions.
It is intended for students of the main professional educational programs of higher education - specialty programs 31.05.01 «General medicine».