Methodics instructions for practical training in Phthisiopulmonology

This teaching guide is meant for self-training for practical courses and final examination session of 4-th year foreign faculty medical universi-ty students, studying in english. Methodic instructions include method-ical recommendations for students to prepare for practical classes, clin-ical tasks with answers, medical card of a pulmonary tuberculosis in patient, program questions, list of basic practical skills, plan of x-ray description of pathological changes in lungs and mediastenum, clinical classification of tuberculosis, tests, achievement control to credit on phthisiopulmonology, requirements to competences.
This teaching guide includes the newest requirement for tuberculosis care in Belarus and worldwide.
The teaching guide is made in accordance with the curriculum and the teaching program of phthisiopulmonology for the medical faculty of medical universities, approved by the ministery of healthcare of the Belarussian Republic.