Специальная версия для людей с ограниченными возможностями
Children's services
Вопрос 1 из 5. The Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust ___________ general pediatric care — both hospital and community — for the children of Oxfordshire
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Вопрос 2 из 5. We also provide a wide __________ of specialty services for children from throughout the Thames Valley and beyond (for example Swindon and Northamptonshire)
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Вопрос 3 из 5. Services for those from further afield ___________ for some specialties such as cleft
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Вопрос 4 из 5. _____ surgery and craniofacial surgery
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Вопрос 5 из 5. Pediatric services are largely provided by ________ with particular specialized interests, but who also provide the general pediatric service. At the Horton General Hospital the pediatric service is provided by general pediatricians who work closely with community pediatric services.