Development and histologic structure of bodies of an oral cavity. Their clinical value in stomatology. Malformations and structures of bodies of an oral cavity

Kayumov F. A. Imaeva A. K. Fazlyachmetova Y. M. Lanicheva H. A. Khalikova L. V. Khasanova I. R.
Год издания:
Гистология, эмбриология, цитология
Development and histologic structure of bodies of an oral cavity. Their clinical value in stomatology. Malformations and structures of bodies of an oral cavity / F. A. Kayumov, A. K. Imaeva, Y. M. Fazlyachmetova и др. - Уфа : БГМУ, 2020. - 86 c. - Текст : электронный // ЭБС "Букап" : [сайт]. - URL : (дата обращения: 26.03.2025). - Режим доступа : по подписке.
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The manual is prepared according to requirements of FGOS IN and standard training programs of discipline "HISTOLOGY, EMBRYOLOGY, CYTOLOGY" as the cross-disciplinary edition for forming of professional competences of specialists.
The manual contains data on the initial stages of development, the building and function of bodies of an oral cavity, malformations and their value in surgical stomatology.
This manual is intended for the purpose of studying of discipline "HISTOLOGY, EMBRYOLOGY, CYTOLOGY" and on training of students on the integrated groups of specialties "Health care".