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Medical biology and general genetic. Practical book

Бекиш В. Я. Medical biology and general genetic. Practical book = Медицинская биология и общая генетика. Практикум / В. Я. Бекиш, В. В. Зорина. - Витебск : ВГМУ, 2020. - 178 c. - ISBN 9789854669526. - Текст : электронный // ЭБС "Букап" : [сайт]. - URL : https://www.books-up.ru/ru/book/medical-biology-and-general-genetic-practical-book-12157568/ (дата обращения: 26.03.2025). - Режим доступа : по подписке.
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12 месяцев
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In this practical book, the main divisions and aims of biology are described accordinary to life organization levels (molecular-genetic, cellular, ontogenetic, population-species, biospheral-biogeocenotic). The questions of human reproduction, bioethical aspects of genetics, tissue and organs transplantation, ability to have poison by living beings as ecological phenomena are considered. The material of practical book is backed by contemporary findings of medical-biological sciences. The practical book contains the 33 classes. Each class includes: introduction in theme; the purpose of class; questions, which the student should work during preparation on a theme; the literature, which the student should study; the description of laboratory work.
The practical book corresponds with typical educational plan and program, proved by Ministry of Health care of the Republic of Belarus (2016). It is designed for students of higher medical educational establishments on a medical speciality.


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