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Medical prevention

Большая медицинская библиотека
Амлаев К. Р. Medical prevention = Медицинская профилактика : Учебное пособие / К. Р. Амлаев. - Ставрополь : СтГМУ, 2020. - 204 c. - Текст : электронный // ЭБС "Букап" : [сайт]. - URL : https://www.books-up.ru/ru/book/medical-prevention-15722037/ (дата обращения: 26.03.2025). - Режим доступа : по подписке.
6 месяцев
12 месяцев
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The textbook is written in English in accordance with the curriculum for teaching the discipline “Medical Prevention” for foreign students of medical, pediatric and medical-preventive faculties of medical institutions. The levels and types of medical prevention are presented, examples of prevention for each level are given. The modern ideas about the main directions of prevention of socially significant diseases are stated: arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity. The technologies of prevention of smoking, physical inactivity, alcoholism and coping stress are described. Topical issues of literacy in matters of public health, adherence to treatment and communication in medicine are highlighted. Approaches to the prevention of HIV / AIDS, influenza and ARVI are described in detail. The main statistical indicators characterizing the relevance of the topics presented in the textbook are given. The presented general theoretical foundations of medical prevention are continued and explained in chapters devoted to particular issues of this discipline.


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