
Мармыш В. Г. Ophthalmology = Офтальмология : пособие / В. Г. Мармыш, С. Н. Ильина, В. В. Романчук. - Гродно : ГрГМУ, 2021. - 400 c. - ISBN 9789855955925. - Текст : электронный // ЭБС "Букап" : [сайт]. - URL : https://www.books-up.ru/ru/book/ophthalmology-13930919/ (дата обращения: 26.03.2025). - Режим доступа : по подписке.
The manual contains systematized data regarding main chapters of ophthalmology, including the latest advances in this field of medicine. The current data on the anatomy, embryology and physiology of the visual analyzer is presented. Methods of examination of the organ of vision, as well as clinics, diagnositcs and treatment of eye diseases are covered. Attention is paid to changes of the organ of vision in general diseases, congenital anomalies and traumatic injuries, emergency assistance in injuries and acute diseases of the eyes.
This manual is intended for students of higher medical institutions studying "Ophthalmology" in the English language.