Physiology of organs of maxillo-facial region

The educational guide is intended for in-class and external education in Stomatology educational course and includes an educational material in Physiology of organs of the maxillofacial region, including the structure and special features of the secretory function of salivary glands, the mechanism of activity and regulation of the masticatory muscles, special features of blood supply in the maxillofacial region. The educational guide describes detailed methods of studying functions of maxillofacial region organs, namely: mechanisms of salivation, of chewing, and of regional blood circulation. The educational guide is designed in accordance with the working program of a discipline “Normal physiology, physiology of the maxillofacial region”composed in accordance with Federal state educational standard of higher education in Dentistry 31.05.03 (specialist level), and was approved by the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation N984, date 12.08.2020.