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Quality control of inorganic drugs

Большая медицинская библиотека
Quality control of inorganic drugs : training guide / Д. А. Фадеева, А. Ю. Малютина, В. С. Казакова, Т. В. Сен. - Белгород : НИУ «БелГУ», 2022. - 72 c. - ISBN 9785957133223. - Текст : электронный // ЭБС "Букап" : [сайт]. - URL : https://www.books-up.ru/ru/book/quality-control-of-inorganic-drugs-17825909/ (дата обращения: 25.03.2025). - Режим доступа : по подписке.

The training guide is intended for English-speaking students of the pharmaceutical faculty of full-time education in the specialty 33.05.01. Pharmacy. The training guide was compiled in accordance with the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specialty Pharmacy and corresponds to the working program on Pharmaceutical chemistry. The training and reference guide can be used in the educational process of pharmaceutical institutes.


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