Socio-philosophical aspects of health

The manual was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ in specialty 31.05.03 «Dentistry» the current curriculum and on the basis of the work program on the discipline of sociology of health.
The tutorial sets out the main approaches, concepts and theories that reflect the social aspects of human health. The problems of social determinism of health at the individual and population levels, attitudes towards human and society health are considered. The features of the functioning of health care as a part of the social sphere of society and medicine as a social institution are revealed.
The publication is a textbook for the assimilation and consolidation of students' knowledge, includes theoretical material, questions for repetition, test tasks with answer standards and a list of recommended literature.
It is intended to optimize the independent work of students and the effective use of control and teaching methods of mastering the discipline "Sociology of Health" that stimulate active activity. It is intended for students studying in the direction and specialty "Dentistry" as well as for readers specializing in the field of social knowledge or interested in social theory.