Заболеваемость и инвалидность, как показатели здоровья населения

Астраханский ГМУ
Год издания:
Заболеваемость и инвалидность, как показатели здоровья населения = Morbidity and disability (invalidity) as health indicators (an educational manual for English-speaking students of the Faculty of Foreign Students) : учебно-методическое пособие для англоязычных студентов ФИС / Ж. Б. Набережная, И. Б. Набережная, А. С. Нимгирова, Л. С. Кострыкина. - Астрахань : Астраханский ГМУ, 2017. - 68 c. - ISBN 9785442402490. - Текст : электронный // ЭБС "Букап" : [сайт]. - URL : https://www.books-up.ru/ru/book/zabolevaemost-i-invalidnost-kak-pokazateli-zdorovya-naseleniya-11250934/ (дата обращения: 26.03.2025). - Режим доступа : по подписке.
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Morbidity and disability are the most important medical and social criteria for public health. When analyzing the incidence of during the a number of years, you can get the most correct idea of the frequency of illness and disease dynamics and the effectiveness of measures aimed at its reduction. Disability (invalidity) can determine the level of socioeconomic development of society, the state of the environment, the degree of medical care of perfection, in particular the quality of therapeutic and preventive measures.
This manual presents methodical regulations of practical classes for English-speaking students of the Faculty of Foreign Students.