Специальная версия для людей с ограниченными возможностями
Ольга Владимировна Антипина
Об авторе
Иркутский государственный медицинский университет
канд. филол. наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков с курсами латинского языка и русского как иностранного ФГБОУ ВО ИГМУ Минздрава России
The study guide discusses the theoretical foundations of the acid-base state, issues of its regulation, as well as types of possible disorders and ways to correct acid-base homeostasis. The contents of the study guide are aimed at developing students’ ability to make a comprehensive assessment of the clinical situation and to use a competent approach to interpreting results of laboratory studies. The theoretical material reflects a classical view on the assessment of the acid-base state, and also gives information about an alternative vision of the problem. The study guide contains tables, diagrams and nomograms on the topic under study. For the purpose of mastering the course and self-monitoring, it includes situational and test tasks. The study guide is intended for foreign students, mastering educational programs of higher education by the educational program of the specialty of General Medicine for studying Anesthesiology and Reanimatology as an academic discipline.
The study guide considers theoretical aspects of bioethics in general, some of its most burning issues and their regulation, as well as bioethical problems in specific medical occupations, being aimed at development of certain general cultural, general professional and occupational competencies of students. The contents of the study guide will help students improve their reading, speaking and presentation skills. The theoretical information is presented as texts on three main sections of the course. For the purpose of mastering the studied material and self-control, situational and test tasks on the suggested topics are included. The study guide is intended for 2nd-year foreign students, mastering educational programs of higher education by the educational program of the specialty of General Medicine for studying Bioethics as an academic discipline.
The study guide covers the key concepts and terms of Cultural Studies, aimed at development of certain cultural competencies, and helps a student develop his / her reading, writing and presentation skills. The educational material is presented as texts of four main sections of the course, where the term in English is accompanied with its Russian equivalent, while the explanation is given in English. For the purpose of mastering the studied material and self-control, test tasks are included. The study guide is intended for foreign students, mastering educational programs of higher education by the educational program of the specialty of General Medicine for mastering the discipline “Cultural Studies”.
The study guide considers the key theoretical aspects of Cultural Studies, being aimed at development of certain general cultural, general professional and occupational competencies of students. The contents of the study guide will help students improve their reading, writing and presentation skills. The theoretical information is presented as texts on six main sections of the course. For the purpose of mastering the studied material and self-control, test tasks are included. The study guide is intended for 2nd-year foreign students, mastering educational programs of higher education by the educational program of the specialty of General Medicine for studying Cultural Studies as an academic discipline.
The study guide contains contemporary information on the hemostasis system, most widely spread hemorrhagic diseases in children, their differential diagnosis based on clinical and laboratory syndromes, as well as on their basic therapy and prevention.For the purpose of mastering the studied material and self-control, test tasks and standard answers to them are included.
The study guide meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, the working curriculum of the discipline “Pediatrics”, and is intended for foreign students, mastering educational programs of higher education by the educational program of the specialty of General Medicine for studying Pediatrics as an academic discipline.
The study guide covers the key concepts and events of Russian history, beginning from the times of Rus’ up to the present days, and helps a student develop his/her reading and presentation skills. The educational material is presented as texts of four main sections of the course, where the term in English is accompanied with its Russian equivalent, while the explanation is given in English. For the purpose of mastering the studied material and self-control, test tasks are included. Recommendations on presentations preparation, the list of rulers and historical maps of Russia given as appendices are used for better illustration of the studied material. The study guide is intended for foreign students, mastering educational programs of higher education by the educational program of the specialty of General Medicine for mastering the discipline “History”.
The study guide presents the author’s conception of preparing educational materials for foreign students, using the English language as a medium in professional training, and the Russian language as a means of interpersonal communication on the territory of the Russian Federation. The principles of the suggested conception are used in formation of educational materials in such disciplines of the educational plan as Life Safety, Hygiene, Foreign (Russian) language. The educational edition can be used by foreign students of the 1st – 3rd years mastering educational programs for specialists in Healthcare and Medical Sciences (integrated groups of training).
The study guide considers some features of making a clinical and pathologic diagnosis, diagnosis categorization (classification, convergence and divergence in diagnosis, categories and causes of divergence), and the phenomenon of iatrogenic pathology. For the purpose of mastering the studied material and self-control, theoretical questions, test and situational tasks are also included. The study guide is intended for classroom and extracurricular work of 2nd- and 3rd-year foreign students, mastering educational programs of higher education by the educational program of the specialty of General Medicine for studying a sectional course in Pathologic Anatomy.
The workbook is compiled taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialties of General Medicine and Pediatrics, contains self-training tasks to each lesson, questions for self-checking and knowledge testing, the orientation basis of actions and copyright drawings for mastering practical skills. The workbook is intended for independent extracurricular work of foreign students, mastering educational programs of higher education by the educational program of the specialties of General Medicine and Pediatrics for studying Otorhinolaryngology as an academic discipline.
The workshop practice is based on the working program on Pharmacology and is intended for independent and extracurricular work of students. It includes training and special-purpose questions and prescription tasks for workshop practice. This educational edition can be used by foreign students of the 2nd and 3rd years mastering educational programs of the speciality of General Medicine in the course of studying Pharmacology as an academic discipline.